Madeline moves to UMW

~Mads Bye, dad. He had to work, so we said farewell at the Nottingham Street house. All my stuff has successfully been hauled up three flights of stairs! Thank goodness for Sam’s dad, the retired Marine, who carried some big Read more ›


Glorious figs!

“…You could almost call them sig figs-significant figs. Heh heh, get it? Like, significant figures? Okay I’m done now.”


Motorcycle rides

February 2005—Phil and Dennis head out into the cold for a ride. March 2005 Ride April 2005 Ride August 2005


Daytona Beach (and Phil’s 21st)

Sea World, Orlando, Florida The ray pool – our favorite! Lunch with the Sharks! Back home: Schroeder with his new Shamu The dog park in Holly Hill The swimming hole. Happy Birthday to Phil! Flaggler Beach
