13.5 inches so far

At dawn, in the eerie light of the snow, I went out to empty the ash bucket so we could scoop some more from the wood stove. The snow went up over my boots. I measured it out in the Read more ›


Happy birthday Mom!

Wendy organized a great birthday party for Mom this year. She and Tom invited us all to their place to celebrate the Saturday before Mom’s birthday. Bob and Cheryl were visiting from out west and Stuart picked up Jeff, so Read more ›


32 years

That’s how long it’s been since we tied the knot. Nothing fancy. We called our folks the night before and family who could come met us May 1st to witness the event. Mary Anne was very thoughtful and took pictures Read more ›


Spring snow

Snow started falling yesterday in the afternoon and kept up off and on till late this morning. About six inches accumulated before warmer air undid the whiteness.


Rain swells stream

Last night it rained steadily and heavily. Early this morning, I set off to get pictures of the neighborhood streams as the water level peaked. Then I spent most of the day doing maintenance on our roads to stave off Read more ›


Moving the shed

Since we moved to Amissville, we were never satisfied with the location of the storage shed next to the graveyard on our property. So this fall I looked into having it moved. We decided to place it next to the Read more ›


New keets

Queenie, our Speckled Sussex with keet-raising experience from last year, and Black Australorp Auntie (short for anthracite) are taking care of the first six of ten guinea keets to hatch this year… Update November 23, 2012: This morning the dogs Read more ›


Poes Road wildlife

Turning onto Poes Road on my way home I saw figures in the road. A doe leapt into the brush on the east of the road. I slowed the car and saw a brand-new fawn, tiny and speckled, awkwardly scurrying Read more ›


Raising poults

This year, I decided to invest in incubators to help hatch turkey eggs. In 2011, I borrowed incubators for eggs the setting turkey hens could not handle. Some from a crowded nest and some because of heavy rain in an Read more ›


Stream walk

August 17 and 18 Late in the summer, it appears our stream dries up. This comes as no surprise, since you can follow the streamcourse to its various sources in about the time it takes to drink a fairly hot Read more ›
