
We no longer sell eggs. Our flock is down to a handful. The rest are in the freezer.

Egg Lesson: Eggs keep a long time. The “use by” date for eggs sold in stores is 5 weeks after the day they are picked. 5 weeks! For hard boiling, older eggs (3 weeks old) have dried a bit and separate best from the shell.

About Our Eggs

Our poultry are fed only:

  • Organic feed from Countryside Organics in Waynesboro, Va.
  • Grass clippings and weeds (we garden organically)
  • Pumpkins, apples and sugar beets in the winter
  • Kitchen scraps (may not all be organic)
  • Water
  • Whatever insects and critters they find in grazing

We use natural pest deterrents:

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Tobacco snuff
  • Penny royal and tansy
  • Crushed red pepper

If we sell eggs in the future, they are:

  • Chicken eggs by the dozen. Occasionally there may be a small turkey egg in a carton.
  • Refrigerated the same day they are picked.
  • Washed and packaged with the date collected on the label.
  • Based on weight (doz. large = 24 oz.; extra large = 27 oz). Egg size will vary.
  • Varied in size and shape because we allow differences and do not cull hens for non-uniform eggs.

Thank you!