Thanksgiving at the Speck’s

We drove up to Mechanicsburg to have Thanksgiving with the specks. We picked apples ate the orchard next to where the Speck’s previously lived. Then we brought the apples back and pressed cider.   This darling owl was roosting in Read more ›


Pet pictures

February to November Julia in the PawPaw tree, February 2005 March 2005 April 2005, Julia hard at work June 2005 Super Dog! Mattie, Julia and Carrie: The closest the three have come to being together! November 2005 Julia on the Read more ›


Carrie’s adoption and settling in

Adoption Day, November 5, 2005 Virginia Greyhound Adoption. Diane’s dog Amy took to Dennis. The dogs arrive from Orlando (via Fredericksburg, VA). Here’s Dennis with our new Carrie! And the rest of the gang… Diane and Carolyn of VAGA Carrie Read more ›
