Queenie, our Speckled Sussex with keet-raising experience from last year, and Black Australorp Auntie (short for anthracite) are taking care of the first six of ten guinea keets to hatch this year… Update November 23, 2012: This morning the dogs… Read more ›
We put the chicks and poults in house 1 the night before last since yesterday was going to be rainy. This afternoon, I let them out into the poultry yard.
April 28 through June 15 As with the turkeys, I decided to let the chickens hatch eggs this year. My friend Dolly swears that letting the chickens take care of the process is much better, and easier, than doing it… Read more ›
We decided that the cockerels (young male chickens) had gotten big enough to be butchered (plus we were growing tired of their constant crowing). So off to Muskrat Haven Farm, where they were processed for $3.50 a piece.
The little box I made for our invalid chicken Spicy just is not up to the task of housing the twelve new pullets plus the old girl. I designed a small, compact house for the group. We will set it… Read more ›
The pullets are getting big! These escapees are trying to find a good spot for the night. They would probably be okay here with the dogs patrolling, but I don’t want to find out. We round them up and get… Read more ›
We have a little courtyard area outside the kitchen and library windows. I put the plant stand (made from recycled deck that was outside the west room doors) in the alcove during the summer season for my houseplants. When it’s… Read more ›
We have an early, light snow today and the girls are not too sure about getting out in it. The first one at the door paused for a bit before stepping out. Most of the ladies are sunning themselves in… Read more ›
On October 20, 2007, Madeline brought our first six chickens from Waterpenny Farm, where she worked as an intern. She got to choose our chickens (choose = the ones she managed to catch) and transport them here in two cat carriers and… Read more ›